Catskills Comfrey

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Perseverance Furthers

Perseverance furthers. It’s a common refrain in the I Ching, repeated often. And with good intent. It’s meaning appears obvious. You have to make an effort if your venture is going to be successful.

I wrote in an earlier blog another requisite for a successful outcome is to actually enjoy what you are doing. “If something’s not right, it’s wrong.” [courtesy Bob Dylan]. For the easiest route to success, you have to like what you do and offer genuine persistence in attaining that goal. Don’t expect it to come easy. But expect it to come.

I’ve been greatly encouraged by the genuine, affirmative response I’ve received to the efforts of my own recent ‘perseverance’. “It’s a new day dawning.” [courtesy Jackie Lomax]. I’ve now got the two new flavors, Chili Pepper and Arnica & Calendula, in addition to the Original as a direct result of the efforts expended these past two years - and the good support of folks who actually have some real skin in the game and have bought Catskills Comfrey.

The immediate response by the stores who’ve seen the new look are enthusiastic. I have two pharmacies, Village Apothecary and WellnessRX Pharmacy, representing Catskills Comfrey in their attached wellness centers - and their more ‘official’ applause is especially gratifying, especially in regards to the Chili Pepper flavor where good research suggests the benefits of capsaicin in reducing discomfort from neuropathy. This response encourages more perseverance.

Every effort requires perseverance, however short the moment in time needed to see the job successfully completed. Moments can be short, a passing flirt in Rende, Sumba, or for a lifetime when you marry. Each of these moments require the same liking and the same constant perseverance throughout the life of the moment to make it happen the way you want.

The comfrey plant is amazingly persistent. It simply grows and does it well. I had the first comfrey harvest this past May. Cut the comfrey plants down to s the ground. Gave them a shovelful of aged horse manure - and are they back with vigor! They persevere fully in what they do - and by their visually rich, deep green leaves, like growing here.

The next phase of perseverance has been clearing this new 30’ x 60’ patch in our pasture. Two rocks for every dirt, they say in the Catskills. It’s true. And I’m getting the piles of rock and sod to prove it.

This has become a symbiotic relationship between the comfrey and me. It’s a slow grower - and persistent once started. Now I have to get another 200+ new comfrey plants or roots in that patch this summer. Nearly 75 are there now, 150 roots are growing in a ‘start’ garden and another 50 plants are on the way.

I know that once the plants are set in this rich Catskills soil, the plants will flourish. But the hard work will have been done; now it becomes a longer moment of simply harvesting, drying, crushing the comfrey and preparing it for the infusion process. The hard work has been done. When you’re 80, you want to harvest, not sow.

Whether it's a focus on my own lifestyle or bringing this health-laden product to the public's door, it's a healthy pursuit, naturally. Perseverance furthers.