(Why) We Get a Lot of Re-orders
Comfrey plants, July/August
When I started Catskills Comfrey over 6 years ago, I was not certain what the actual response would be. Two meaningful events involving comfrey had convinced me of comfrey’s medicinal benefits.
The first was when we applied a comfrey poultice to my wife’s fractured pelvis (in 3 places) and the pain subsided, allowing her to comfortably sleep for the first time in 2 weeks; secondly, after soaking my Trigger Finger-laden hands in a comfrey bath for several hours, the next morning none of my fingers ‘locked’ whereas usually my hands could be used as a Halloween horror-movie prop.
I had no idea what the response of others would be. “Every body is different” is a natural mantra of mine, taking into account the basic fact that people respond differently to the same ‘stimulant’, whether it be drug, food, drink, medicine or herb . Most people respond well to penicillin and COViD vaccines, but there are exceptions.
Natural Institute of Health (NIH)
NIH reports showed supportive research of comfrey’s anti-inflammatory properties and with allantoin, its main active ingredient, comfrey’s ability to support new cell-growth. Comfrey contains mucilage, which may offer “lubrication” to the skeletal sub-structure of the hands, allowing the fingers to slide more easily in the underlying mesh of tendons, ligaments and muscles; ie, it can be efficacious in treating Trigger Finger (TF) symptoms. It works for me to significantly reduce the intensity, frequency and discomfort of TF. Nice. Very nice.
Now, six years later I get a lot of re-orders, so obviously these medicinal offerings work on others, just like they do on me. Folks do not reorder because of our (effective) graphics and labeling. They don’t reorder because they think I’m a good guy. Nor do they reorder based on our reasonable prices [You can find less expensive ointments from other herbalists and producers.].
The sole reason folks reorder is because the Catskills Comfrey ointment they apply provides relief and benefit to an immediate presenting condition. It works. That’s the sole reason. For me that’s extremely gratifying. It’s literally applause for these efforts. Applause is appreciated.
Freshly picked calendula on a bed of comfrey leaves
Yes, this has become profitable business in my retirement. It provides additional (needed) income and, as well, an opportunity to remain physically active and outdoors growing things, staying engaged. My eyes have reduced acuity but I don’t need ‘detail’ to pick the large, beautiful yellow and orange calendula blossoms. And to do this in the Catskills of upstate NY where the water is the cleanest and purest I have ever drunk anywhere in the world!
What’s It All About, Alfie?
But the bigger question is, why? What allows me, hardly a professional farmer, to produce a topical ointment that helps such a wide variety of folks, affected by such diverse presenting conditions as arthritic discomfort and joint pain, atopic dermatitis (eczema, psoriasis, rosacea), sunburn, scar and surgical repair, plantar fasciitis, dry/cracked skin, bruising and chapped lips, broken/fractured bones, neuropathy, lymphatic drainage, radiation dermatitis.
‘Clean & Green’ Infusion
I cannot prove it but methinks [Full disclosures: I am not a medical professional nor have any relevant medical training.] our production process is the primary reason our ointments are impactful. We use no essential oils (EOs), essences or extracts; the ointments are 100% infused. Brewing tea is an infusion; in our case, we infuse our dried comfrey, arnica, calendula and other organics into an oil ‘tea’.
The infusion process provides the highest possible array of full-spectrum medicinal benefits. All of the plants’ constituents remain together in the final product, working together and cross-contributing benefits to each other in a supportive manner as nature originally intended from the outset. The Entourage Effect lives here.
You are What You Eat
And of course, Catskills Comfrey ointments are what they ‘eat’. Comfrey, arnica, calendula, yarrow, goldenrod, cleavers, St John’s wort thrive on our small medicinal farm in upstate NY. Clean, rich organic soil, fertilized with aged cow-manure compost under the Catskills sun, soil and water, provides the all-important environment that produces healthy plants.
As a final consideration, this, too, is relevant: given that we grow our own (400+ comfrey plants now in the ground; in 2024, we’re planning on adding another 200), we put a lot of comfrey into every ointment we make.
The Underlying Boost
I fully believe what creates the benefit of Catskills Comfrey ointments is the comfrey, fully infused into clean MCT and Greek olive oils. Comfrey is the special sauce that lends its help to many everyday presenting conditions. It’s easily absorbed through the skin and once suffused in the affected area, provides ongoing benefit. When it detects the smallest ‘infraction’, it begins to heal.
When things work, it is used again. Re-orders are nice, of course, but they are also a form of ‘applause’, telling us that our ointments work for an overall benefit, one that only occurs when we get under your skin.
Comfrey (in the foreground) with calendula and arnica growing towards the center